AdLand Speaks Up

Summary: This month the news of the awful delayed payment idea being pioneered by brands like Mondelez and P&G has reached the media and advertising powers, and thankfully it received negative reviews.

Seriously, this idea of delaying agency payment up to 120 days is a pretty bad one.

In the beginning of the month, Nancy Hill, president and CEO of the 4A’s, spoke out…

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Creatives vs. Time

Summary: Today it is almost impossible to keep up with all of the creative agencies opening and closing in pretty much every market. Just when you think you figured out which shops are starting to pull away from the pack and make a name for themselves, they mysteriously disappear. That leads to the question: What makes a company’s longevity possible? Unfortunately, there is no one answer or solution that can guarantee success for any business, but there are clear qualities for those who have stood the test of time. Success starts with people. Is it the most talented people that secure a company’s longevity? Not really. Creative medias are constantly changing.

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It’s Not the Size of Your Agency That Matters

Summary: This week is the beginning of AdAge’s Small Agency Conference and awards, the few days out of the year where small agencies get attention, are praised and given awards, and told how awesome the industry is for having them.

It’s a short few days, but attention nonetheless.

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