Of Course, Technology Will Solve the Talent Question

Summary: When we first entered into the agency world of advertising, there was always one caveat industry professionals told us: “Agencies usually have a ‘revolving door’ at the building; just grow some thick skin.” In our short time in it, that has been close to the truth. We have experience, and know plenty of young and old talent who have jumped around from shop to shop.

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Of Course, Technology Will Solve the Talent Question

Summary: When we first entered into the agency world of advertising, there was always one caveat industry professionals told us: “Agencies usually have a ‘revolving door’ at the building; just grow some thick skin.” In our short time in it, that has been close to the truth. We have experience, and know plenty of young and old talent who have jumped around from shop to shop.

This entry was posted in Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

Of Course, Technology Will Solve the Talent Question

Summary: When we first entered into the agency world of advertising, there was always one caveat industry professionals told us: “Agencies usually have a ‘revolving door’ at the building; just grow some thick skin.” In our short time in it, that has been close to the truth. We have experience, and know plenty of young and old talent who have jumped around from shop to shop.

This entry was posted in Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.

Of Course, Technology Will Solve the Talent Question

Summary: When we first entered into the agency world of advertising, there was always one caveat industry professionals told us: “Agencies usually have a ‘revolving door’ at the building; just grow some thick skin.” In our short time in it, that has been close to the truth. We have experience, and know plenty of young and old talent who have jumped around from shop to shop.

This entry was posted in Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.